Blog Post

Oasis Water: Official Hydration Partner to TEDxPretoria 2019

Staff Writer • November 13, 2019

Oasis Water is excited to announce their involvement as the official hydration partner to TEDxPretoria, which takes place on Tuesday, 19 November 2019, at Brooklyn Theatre

An offshoot of the hugely popular TED Talks, TEDx is about bringing people together from the world of technology, entertainment and design. The events are geared at sparking conversations that change attitudes, lives, and our world, inspiring innovation, thought leadership and visionary insight. 

“TED is a non-profit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, often in the form of short talks delivered by leading thinkers and doers. Many of these talks are given at TED conferences, including our annual gathering in Vancouver, as well as TEDWomen, intimate TED Salons and thousands of independently organized TEDx events around the world. Videos of these talks are made available, free, on and other platforms. Audio versions of the talks from TED2019 will also be published to TED's podcast TED Talks Daily, available on Apple Podcasts and all other podcast platforms.” - TED Talks

With tickets already sold out, TEDxPretoria 2019 will feature 15 incredible speakers. 

Oasis Water have a unique offering for this year’s event, showcasing their efforts to reduce and reuse by REFILLING and recycling. Attendees will receive 500ml bottles that they can refill at various water stations. We’re also supplying PETCO Plastic Recycling Bins, so the bottles can be discarded for recycling at the end of the event. 

“We are excited to be a part of this event for the very first time. It is a privilege to partner with an organisation of this calibre, and we look forward to building a long-term working relationship.” - Mynhardt Oosthuizen, Managing Director at Oasis Water.
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