The Slaughter & Fox franchise concept allows you to run your business as you see fit, with as little or as much help as you need. The singular requirement is that licensees/ franchisees, purchases their stock from the licensor/franchisor. Permission to stock Operated by Luxottica, can be granted. The franchisor estimates that franchisees can double their investment in 6-8 months, but this will require substantial effort on the part of the franchisee. One of the aspects that sets this franchise apart from others in this space is they do not levy a recurring monthly fee.
Slaughter & Fox products are targeted at the growing aspirational middle-class and the modern high LSM class who wants to pay an honest price for a quality product, who while appreciating the need of a good quality product, doesn't want to pay a fortune for it.
Franchisees may opt for a kiosk or shop model. Kiosks are assembled from inter-lockable units that fit together like Lego blocks, making it easy to expand a kiosk if necessary. A typical kiosk will occupy 9sqm.
If they are well trained, two people will be able to manage and outlet and in quieter areas even one person may be sufficient.