3% of the loan amount irrespective of how the loan amount was calculated by the bank, or a minimum of R15 000. VAT will be added to the fee. The fee will be invoiced directly to the business only after the approval of the loan. No fee will be charged if the application is not successful. There will be no initiation fees charged by the bank.
The technical presentation of any application for funding impacts on the outcome, speed and terms of approval.
Incomplete or ill supported applications are the primary reason for delays in approvals. After receipt of information required by the business owner, SA Franchise Warehouse will turn around the preparation of an application in two days and submit to the primary bank of the business as soon as the business owner has signed off on the numbers. Some banks undertake to provide an answer in 7 to 14 days if the application is complete but this is entirely dependent on the number of applications in the pipeline at the time.
Regular communication with suppliers and creditors is crucial to the management of the relationship and the security of your supply chain. Upon submission of your application to the bank, SA Franchise Warehouse will communicate to your suppliers, per your request, confirming the status.
Not at all, SA Franchise Warehouse happens to be entrenched in the franchise industry for years but our service is available to any loan application up to R100 million.
Applicants will be required to accept the T&Cs as part of the first phase of the application. Applicants will be requested to sign a letter of authority to their bank for SA Franchise Warehouse to be able to facilitate the process and to confirm its access to client information.
Once approved, the loan will be paid out in three monthly tranches as soon as loan documentation has been signed with the bank.
Operating costs, including salaries and wages, rental and lease repayments, utilities, insurance premiums, security costs, supply related costs and certain operating expenses for six months.
Yes. The bank will require an abbreviated business plan but SA Franchise Warehouse will assist with a draft based on information submitted.
Yes, you are the client of the bank and may appoint any party to assist in the same way you may appoint your accounting officer or business consultant to manage the process on your behalf. Kindly forward all the information you have provided to the bank to info@safw.co.za. We will register your application on our platform, pre-populate information received and e-mail you a link to access your application portal for submission of possible further information.
Some of the following conditions were included in previous approvals and applicants must be prepared to accept such conditions, should they be included, in order for SA Franchise Warehouse to proceed with your application -